Next Steps & Todos


Phase 1: Gather first submissions (~40 stories) - 4/20 to 5/24


Phase 2: Get more submissions and v2 drafts from phase 1 (now we’ll have ~70 stories) - 5/25 to 7/13


Phase 3: Curate to finalists (30-40 stories) + edit together + any last minute submissions (10 stories) - 7/13 to 9/1


Launch Compendium as NFT along with 1st edition hardcovers (10/1) — updated to the Eye as a broader Lootverse strategy


Launch Genesis Scrolls as a specialty book, in stores and online (12/1)


Admin stuff

Home Stretch to Publishing “Loot: Lore and Legends”


  • Final manuscript
    • Done!
  • Layout - 1 week of work
    • Messages out to formatter
  • Art - 2 week of work
    • Leave image pages for each story
    • Leave an image page for each section
    • Get community (or Raul/Fabian) to make the art
  • Cover - 1-2 weeks of work
    • Reedsy or another cover design
  • Website — 2 days of work
    • Just use a single page template on Shopify or something
  • Lulu / Blurb setup and admin — 1 day of work
    • Book setup/logistics
      • This assumes we are doing a normal hardcover book, not a fancy dragonskin custom coffee table book
  • Marketing — 2 days of work to find contractor
    • Beyond Discord/Twitter/etc, we could hire a marketing contractor who knows books and get some press + placements