Three Songs

By The C (Glosso)

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What do the numbers show?

You’ve counted rose petals for days

And you’ve shit through your clothes


What do the numbers show?

Why do you count the sun?

There’s only one, one, one, one, one, one,


How do the numbers glow?

You’ve been digging holes underground

And lining up stones


What do the numbers hold?

Can you see my face? one none one one none one none one one one one none none none none none one none none none none none none one one one one none none none none none none one none one none one one none……….


I’ve walked from Ptit to Abnus

I’ve drifted across the ocean floor

I’ve circled round the heavens

To find you, my light

I’ve killed all my past selves

Bloodbaths are murmuring in my dreams

But I’ll die another death

To find you, my light

Outstretched, I’ll meet you naked

Raw pink and howling in the breeze

I’ll lose my mother’s name

To find you, my light



I followed you up the mountain

At the peak you told me fall to your knees

And look me in the eye

You grabbed my hands

You told me I am your sun

And as long as you hold me

I’ll hold onto you

But I can’t help feeling like you won’t hold on


I followed you to the water

You told me wash off your scabs

And drink before it dries

I’ve walked from realm to realm

As far as the eye can see

But the light is beating down

I’m burning up inside

I need to rest

And curl up in a ball

I can’t help feeling like I can’t hold on


You’re following me through the trees

You tell me come out of the dark

Or I’ll fall out the sky

But my skin is charred

I’m digging holes in the earth

And I can’t see

Can’t see it in your eye

Would you fall from the sky?

Then what should I do?

Should I hold onto my melting hands

Should I promise that I won’t let go

I can’t just pray to the sun

And ask to be whole

Cuz if you’re not holding out for me

Its not holding out for me

Nothing’s holding onto me then

Help me

I need to know

I’m frying

Oh help me

If I let go of my sun?

Will I let go of my soul?

Nothing to hold

Out in the gold

Of my soul

Am I soul?

Am I soul?

White light